ACT Electrical team

ACT Electrical team

Thursday, 23 March 2017

Building smarter together

The boys busy clearing a client's heat pump. Have you had yours checked lately? Dust and dirt can inhibit their productivity.

And for the builders out there...


When working with clients we help to consult and plan:
  • Lighting design
  • Heat and ventilation
  • Audio and visual
  • Security
Our specialty is providing clients with professional advice about a range of options for both indoor and outdoor living.  Our priority is offering future-proof solutions that meet individual needs - for now and the future.

Our competitive rates will make you think twice about your electrical partnerships.


We keep you safe on the job. Our test and tag services ensure your electrical equipment is compliant with Health and Safety Standards NZ. We come to you.

Contact ACT Electrical today. Phone Dalton on 07-575-7449 or 021-488-727.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

Happy St Patrick's day!

The boys got together to celebrate St Paddy's day on Friday.

Tom, Kieran, Dalton and Tom are ready to deliver all your electrical needs. Contact us today. 07-575-5449